Hello Neil McKee,
Thank you for your comment.I understood this solution of using a
different UDP ports.
But,I have a small question about MIB.I wrote my comment in in-line.
On Fri, 26 Aug 2005 10:55:04 -0700
neil mckee <neil.mckee@inmon.com> wrote:
> Hello Kobayshi-san,
> There is nothing to stop you from configuring two sampler instances
> to send to the same collector. It is allowed. You could configure
> each instance to send to a different UDP port (e.g. 6343 and 6344).
> That way the collector can separate them easily. Otherwise it would
> have to separate them using the samplingRate field (which is sent
> with each flow-sample).
> In terms of the sFlow MIB: you would do this by reserving two slots
> in the sFlowRcvrTable. For example, say you want to double-monitor
> interface 1, and send the data to a collector on, using
> ports 6343 and 6344:
I understood that we would be able to implement this solution whichever
the sFlow datagram v4 or v5.
> The receiver table might look like this:
> sFlowRcvrTable
> sFlowRcvrEntry (sFlowRcvrIndex=1, sFlowRcvrAddress=,
> sFlowRcvrPort=6343)
> sFlowRcvrEntry (sFlowRcvrIndex=2, sFlowRcvrAddress=,
> sFlowRcvrPort=6344)
> And the flow-sampling table might look like this:
> sFlowFsTable
> sFlowFsEntry (sFlowFsDataSource=ifIndex.1, sFlowFsInstance=1,
> sFlowFsReceiver=1, sFlowFsPacketSamplingRate=400)
> sFlowFsEntry (sFlowFsDataSource=ifIndex.1, sFlowFsInstance=2,
> sFlowFsReceiver=2, sFlowFsPacketSamplingRate=1)
> If your switch/router does not support multiple receivers and
> multiple sampler instances, then you may have to just change the
> sampling rate to 1 and do the sub-sampling at the collector instead.
In terms of the sFlow MIB of sFlow v5 text,I understood this sFlowFsTable
that you wrote as answer.
The other side,in case of sFlow v4 text,the sFlowEntry can't show both these
Entries because the sFlowDataSource is index of SFlowEntry.
Or should we do this in the sFlow MIB of sFlow v5 text?
Kobayashi Atsushi
KOBAYASHI ATSUSHI <akoba@nttv6.net>
NTT Information Sharing Platform Lab.
Received on Mon Aug 29 05:47:55 2005
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