sFlow to Netflow using sflowtool

From: Rune V. Sjøen <rvsjoen@gmail.com>
Date: 05/26/08
Message-ID: <efa8e58e0805260857k21ba326araaed3e41dd89467@mail.gmail.com>

I am looking at converting sFlow samples to Netflow format using sflowtool.
Is each sFlow flowsample converted to a Netflow conversation (flow sample)
which as I understand is intended to depict a whole conversation or at least
a count of all the packets between the 7-tuple which identifies the
conversation. Does each sflow flowsample represent its own conversation ?

What limitations are there (in regards to data mining/statistical analysis)
when using data converted through sflowtool compared to original netflow
samples ?

Rune V. Sjoen
You always pass failure on the way to success
Received on Mon May 26 08:57:38 2008

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