vlan stats and applications

From: fedora fedora <fedorafans@gmail.com>
Date: 10/05/09
Message-ID: <f8bb772a0910050941n6a487204kae68aa586f421368@mail.gmail.com>

Hello everyone,

We have been using netflow for a long time and recently a request was sent
by other group in our company asking for vlan traffic statistic on some
Foundry devices, apparent netflow does not support this layer2 info so i am
looking into sflow solution now, before i take a deep dive, i have the
following two questions I wish someone can give me a quick answer.

1)sflow supports vlan in its format, so what is the quickest way to pull
traffic count in a spefic vlan?

2)what applicatioin will you guys recomment to store the history data and
display the result in some sort of GUI interface?

Thanks in adavce !

Received on Mon Oct 5 09:41:56 2009

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